Still Time to Apply for Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists-Radio Positions

The deadline to apply for the US Department of State Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists-Radio (IMTS-R) positions is December 1, 2020.
Foreign Service IMTS-Rs design, install and maintain radio and telecommunications systems. They provide radio support for presidential, congressional, and other VIP visits. These radio specialists work from a regional location, overseas, or domestically.
Extensive travel is required to support radio telecommunications systems, such as land mobile radio (LMR), HF, VHF, and UHF radio networks at State Department missions around the world.
Potential applicants should read the Foreign Service Specialist selection process page before applying. To begin the online application process, visit the position announcement. The deadline to submit completed applications is December 31, 2019. Applicants must be US citizens, at least 20 years old to apply, and at least 21 years old to be appointed. Applicants must also be available for worldwide service and be able to obtain all required security, medical, and suitability clearances. Email for additional information.
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