UNFF-0082 Bektauatinsk State Nature Reserve

From September 18 to September 20, 2020, the group of Traveling Radio Amateurs plans to activate the following references:
- UNFF-0082 Bektauatinsk State Nature Reserve New One
- UNM-012 Mount Bektauata New One
- KDA P09 Aktogay district
- QTH locator MN77JK
Group composition: UN6GAO Sergey, UN9GD Victor, UN7GIT Victor.
Ranges: 40m-20m-10m
Types: SSB, CW.
RIG: Kenwood TS-2000 + ACOM 1010, TS-590.
Ant.: Inv. Vee 40-10m.
Callsign: UP44WFF
You can follow the progress of the expedition at the following link:
Bektauatinsky State Reserve is located 60 km north of the city of Balkhash.
This mountain massif is nothing but an unborn volcano.
In the distant past, in the Paleozoic era, on the border of carbon and Perm, a large volcano was born here.
It melted the rocks but never exploded. In this place, there was a giant granite plug, which closed the vent forever.
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