Marathon “Miller-DX-Club” 30 – years on the air!

In connection with the 30th anniversary of its formation, the club of fans of long-distance radio communication with the portal “HAMLOG.RU” hold a marathon in the air part, which has become traditional and is held annually.
- Start: November 16, 2020, at 00.00 UTC
- Completion: 29 November 2020 at 21.00 UTC
During the marathon, on all amateur bands, all types of radiation will work special call signs temporary use:
R 30 MDXC – Omsk region
UE 30 DX – Rostov region
R 2020 DX – Rostov region
RA 30 DX – Rostov region
RC 30 DX – Moscow and Moscow region
RD 30 DX – Krasnodar Region
RG 30 DX – Moscow region
RJ 30 DX – Republic of Crimea
RK 30 DX – Stavropol Territory
RL 30 DX – Stavropol Territory
RM 30 DX – Chelyabinsk region
RN 30 DX – Krasnodar Region
RO 30 DX – Krasnodar Region
RQ 30 DX – Krasnoyarsk Territory
RT 30 DX – Udmurt Republic
RU 30 DX – Nizhny Novgorod region
RV 30 DX – Kaliningrad region
RW 30 DX – St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
RX 30 DX – Coastal region
RY 30 DX – Kurgan region
RZ 30 DX – Khabarovsk Territory
QSL – manager for all special call signs is – RQ7L
We invite all radio amateurs of the world to take an active part in this sporting event.
During the marathon, for QSO/SWL with SPS, as well as operators – members of “Miller-DX-Club”, it is possible to fulfill the conditions of reception in electronic and paper formats:
– Project Participant Certificate,
– “W-MDXC-M”
– “30 years of International Miller-DX-Class.”
– “30 – years on the air!”
as well as pennants:
– “30 – years since the formation of the club “M-DX-C”.
– “International Miller-DX-Club.”
and posters of international level:
– “International Miller-DX-Club.”
– “R30MDXC”
– “30 years of M-DX-C”
Diploma Program
To get a certificate of participation, pennants, and diplomas, you must score the following number of points (links):
– Participant certificate of the days of activity
5 QSO with operators – members of Miller-DX-Club and SPS.
– Diploma “W-MDXC-M”
30 QSO with club members as well as special callsign,
who use the club during the marathon
– Diploma “30 – years of International Miller-DX-Class”.
1990 points (1990 of the club foundation)
Diploma “30 years on the air”.
2020 points (2020 30th anniversary of the club)
– Pennant “30 – years since the formation of the club M-DX-C”.
and “International Miller-DX-Club” it is necessary to carry out 10 QSOs (the obligatory condition of performance is, communications with the operators-members of “Miller-DX-Club” representing
4 different FIs in Russia)
Each QSO with a club member operator “M-DX-C” gives – 25 points, with a special station – 50 points.
For radio amateurs from Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania (except for radio amateurs from Russia and CIS countries), as well as radio amateurs from the Far East (UA0C, UA0D, UA0F, UA0I, UA0J, UA0K, UA0L, UA0O, UA0Q, UA0U, UA0X, UA0Z) – points are doubled.
Repeated QSO/SWL are counted on different CB and VHF bands, and on one band, different types of radiation: CV, PHONE, DIGI (all digital types are counted for one type).
The “W-MDXC-M” diploma is issued only in paper format.
For radio amateurs working on VHF (144 MHz and above) one QSO/SWL gives – 10 points, regardless of the callsign of a special station or club member.
E-diplomas are issued automatically on the site only on the basis of Activator logs loaded.
In order to obtain paper versions of the certificate, diplomas, pennants, as well as observers, it is necessary to submit an application for E-mail:
Payment for one copy of a paper version of the certificate or diploma is made in the amount of – 250 rubles, taking into account the sending of a registered letter by Russian Post to Sberbank card.
Terms of receiving the posters
For all three types, it is necessary to carry out QSO/SWL with 10 operators-members of the “M-DX-C” club, obligatory are QSO/SWL with R30MDXC, UE30DX, R2020DX, and also with 10 PCA series of call signs RA30DX – RZ30DX.
For radio amateurs from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania (except for radio amateurs from Russia and CIS countries), as well as for radio amateurs from the Far East it is necessary to conduct QSO/SWL with 5 operators members of the club “M-DX-C”, one QSO/SWL with special callsigns of R30, UE30, R2020 series is obligatory, as well as 5 QSO/SWL with special callsigns RA30DX – RZ30DX.
For radio amateurs working on VHF (144 MHz and above) to receive posters, it is necessary to install – 2 (two) QSO/SWL with special call signs or operators – members of the club.
Please send requests and questions to
Activators to receive the Certificate, pennants, diplomas, and posters should spend at least – 500 QSOs
According to the results of work in the project will be awarded,
Foreign radio amateurs:
– Winner from the European part of Russia – the Big Plaquette
– Prize winner from the European part of Russia – Small Plaquette
– Prize winner from the European part of Russia – Small Plaquette
– Winner from the Asian part of Russia – big Plaquette
– Prize winner from the Asian part of Russia – Small Plaquette
– Prize winner from the Asian part of Russia – Small Plaquette
The most active radio amateurs included in the TOP-10 list of HAMLOG.RU portal will be awarded the club’s commemorative pennants.
Operators – members of the club “M-DX-C”:
– Winner – big Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
PCA operators:
– Winner – big Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
Foreign radio amateurs, members of “M-DX-C” club:
– Winner – big Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
– Prize winner – small Plaquette
– Winner – small Plaquette
– Prize winner – name commemorative pennant
– Prize winner – name commemorative pennant
The most active operators – members of the club “M-DX-C”, will also be awarded the club’s commemorative pennants.
Your result will be available on the “TOP” page at
Note for Activators: upload QSO to HAMLOG.RU at least once a day.
Club Council “M-DX-C” wishes all marathon participants success and active work on bands!
On the occasion of the wonderful date, 30 – the anniversary of the formation of “Miller-DX-Club”, I would like to first of all to express my gratitude for the comprehensive support in the development of the club:
– I.E. Grigoriev (RV3DA) – President of SRR
– Fedenko V.I. (UA3AHA) – responsible secretary of the SRR
For prompt execution of documents and obtaining PCA Certificates:
– D.M. Kosarev (UA3IND) – Federal State Unitary Enterprise “GRSC”.
For publishing the club’s graduation projects on the portal
– Glukhovu E.V. (R4AS) – administrator of portal
For design and publication of the club materials at the site QRZ.RU
– Ilyukhina S.Y. (R2AR) – administrator of QRZ.RU
For developing sketches of the whole award attributes of the club
– Kopylovoy G.V. – designer of the club
About the club
A little history, the official date of formation of the club of amateurs of long-distance radio communication “Miller-DX-Club” is November 16, 1990, when at a general meeting of radio amateurs Millerovo, Rostov region, it was unanimously decided to establish this club. At its first meeting the Club Council was elected, the name of the club, which takes place in an abbreviated form from the name of the city and the general vote of the President of the club, it was Lifar Sergei (RW6LZ, new – RQ7L), who is still successfully managing the club, for his active position, the implementation of new diploma projects, for his creative approach to any sporting events. In the beginning, the club represented a small group of radio amateurs who are actively working on the air and are interested in diplomas and DX-stations. In the year of formation, it was decided to establish the first diploma of the club “W-MDXC-M”.
At that difficult time, there were ups and downs! In the absence of the information field, the club, overcoming various difficulties, continued to develop, but with the collapse of the USSR came difficult times in the activities of the club and for independent reasons was eventually suspended.
The club became a new line of development in early 2014 when it was replenished with new, purposeful radio amateurs interested in its further development.
At present, the club has an international status, as its members are radio amateurs from 23 countries, and the first foreign radio amateur – a member of the club – Josep Olivera (EA3KS).
Over the past years, the club has successfully conducted such grandiose projects as: “55-Cosmic Years”, winter war games in Russia, the World Festival of Youth and Students in Russia, the annual “Russia New Year” and folklore festival “Sholokhov Spring”, events related to the period of formation of the club. For all these years 166 special callsigns of temporary use sounded on the air, SPS operators and club members conducted about 3 million QSOs with radio amateurs from 295 countries and territories of the world, all radio amateurs who sent their QSL through the bureau and used the order of OQRS, received in their address beautiful full-color QSLs from our club!
In 2020, an Agreement on mutual cooperation was concluded between OQRS Management and our club, which gave a powerful impetus to the further development of the club!
The diploma program of the club consisting of many diplomas in electronic and paper formats, as well as pennants and posters of international level, have become very popular among Russian radio amateurs, as well as radio amateurs from far abroad.
There are a lot of plans and the staff of the club is full of optimism in their excellent implementation, will continue to work actively to involve new members of the club, further development of the club and popularization of radio amateurism in our country!
And in the end, for constant active work in the projects of the club, I would like to note the following assays of the air, among them – UA9MA, RW1F, R7AT, UA6NT, RC7M, RU0SYL, UA4WW, RU7N, R7KO, R2AKN, R3FO, R0AX, RU1QD, R0CD, R9DV, RK6K, RA6LIS …
Let me congratulate all the classmates and radio amateurs who constantly participate in the projects of the club, with 30 – the anniversary of the founding of the club! Good health, success, and active work on the air in our projects!
With respect to the President of “Miller-DX-Club”.
S.Lifar (RQ7L)
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