Fifth Ocean Flying Amateur Radio Club Spring Mini-Test April 01, 2023

April 01, 2023 will be the traditional spring minitest of the Fifth Ocean International Flying Amateur Radio Club. This year it is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day and the club’s 31st anniversary.
The founding conference of the club took place on April 4, 1992 on the premises of Moscow city technical sport radio club, where the club charter and name were approved and the president and council members were elected
Minist traditionally will consist of 4 rounds of 1 hour each:
- HF (40, 20 and 15m) CW tour – from 10:00 to 10:59 UTC, SSB tour – from 11:00 to 11:59 UTC,
- HF (80 and 40m) CW tour – from 15:00 to 15:59 UTC, SSB tour – from 16:00 to 16:59 UTC.
Report should be sent to by April 11 inclusive.
Check out the club diplomas on the club website:
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