New Antenna Physics Book from ARRL!

Written to bridge the gap between basic theory and graduate-level engineering texts, the second edition of Antenna Physics: An Introduction includes new material to help you better understand the complexities of antenna theory.
World-recognized antenna technology authority Robert J. Zavrel, Jr., W7SX, is your guide to grasping a deeper understanding of how antenna systems function. In this book, he clearly communicates the theory and the mathematics that form the foundations upon which all antenna designs depend.
Antenna Physics: An Introduction, 2nd ed, is available from the ARRL Store or your ARRL Dealer. (ARRL Item no. 1359, ISBN: 978-1-62595-135-9, $34.95 retail, special ARRL Member Price $29.95). Call 860-594-0355 or, toll-free in the US, 888-277-5289. It will also be available for the Amazon Kindle.
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