The club “Fifth Ocean” – `the day of parachute 26 Jul 2020
Amateur radio club-aviators "Fifth Ocean" on the 26th of July 2020 day to day activity on the day of the...
Amateur Radio Club
Amateur radio club-aviators "Fifth Ocean" on the 26th of July 2020 day to day activity on the day of the...
Tomorrow, July 25, 2020, will host two short-term exits of the fortress in the framework of the "RCA-2020" 1. Constantine,...
The club "Fifth Ocean", continue the program "memorial to the dead Airmen" July 25, 2020, carries out the Action of...
Youtube review: Link RFinder B1 HT Radio, Android DMR and FM This is the device that you have been waiting...
Phil Karn, KA9Q; Randy Standke, KQ6RS, and members of the Mount Carmel High School Amateur Radio Club (MCHSARC) in San...
A well-known contester and the co-builder of contest stations in Texas and Nevada, Grady Ferguson, W5FU (ex-NA5R), died of COVID-19 on July...
Christopher “Chris” Brault, KD8YVJ, of Liberty Township, Ohio, has been selected as the 2020 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young...
Solar activity remains at very low levels on Thursday. The lone spotted region (AR 2767) continues to transit the southeast...
ARRL is launching a new webinar series to help introduce more members to the variety of activities and opportunities that... Source