XXVIII Championship of the Asian part of Russia (SSB, CW, MIX) – January 21, 2023

XXVIII Championship of the Asian part of Russia on the radio on KV – CHA-2023 – will be held on January 21 (Sat.) from 13.00 to 16.59 UT on the bands 160, 80 and 40 meters.
The duration of the competition is 4 hours (2 rounds of 2 hours each). Read more about CHA-2023 here (TNX RW3VZ!).
In the photo: Big Bertha antenna complex RW0A (Krasnoyarsk)
The main classes – MOMB, SOMB-MIX, SOMB-SSB, SOSB-CW – in them are summed up the results of all competitors and performed the standards of the EUSC with the assignment of sports categories and titles (including MS). Other groups are optional, the winners will be awarded. Official Regulations of CHA-2023 were placed on the SRR site.
Prizes have been set up in CHA-2023 by the sponsors:
- Sponsor of the main prizes – Central Siberia DX-Club (L.A.Lishnev, RA0AM, Krasnoyarsk) – awarding with Champions ribbons, big SSF wall decorations, medals (each team member) for 1-3 places in collective and individual scoring (MOMB-MIX and SOMB-MIX);
- Sponsor of the main prizes in the SOMB-CW contest – Krasnoyarsk company OOO “ENDIS” – (A.A. Svyatets, RM0A, Krasnoyarsk) – awarding with SSF wall prizes for 1-3 places;
- Sponsor of the main prizes at SOMB-SSB – ? (not determined, seat vacant);
- Sponsor of prizes in collective and individual youth MOMB-JR and SOMB-JR – VP Angeli, RK8A (Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region) – rewarding wall SSF awards for 1st place and Cups for 2-3 places among participants under 18 years;
Sponsorship packages in the SSB and LP-type classes, women’s SOMB-SSB-YL, single-band scores (160, 80 and 40m) in various types of radiation (MIX, SSB, CW), and “club” scores (Cup awards) are vacant and awaiting sponsorship.
Regional branches of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia according to the results of CHA-2023 hold a parallel competition for the championships of their regions – among them:
- SRR in Novosibirsk Region (Chairman of the Council of RRR Novosibirsk Region – M.I.Klokov, UA9PM);
- SRR in Tomsk region (Chairman of SRRT Council – V.B. Kapranov, RW9HK);
- SRR Altai Krai (Chairman of RRR Altai Krai Council – E.I. Vorsin, RU9YF). Rules and prizes see at http://uc8y-contest.blogspot.com/ ;
- SRR in the Omsk Region (Chairman of the Board of SRR in the Omsk Region – G.I.Litvinenko, RU9MC);
- SRR Krasnoyarsk Region (Board Chairman of RRR Krasnoyarsk Region – A.V. Belov, RU0A).
Individual radio clubs set up prizes:
- “Central Siberia DX-Club” (headed by L.Lishnev, RA0AM, Krasnoyarsk) will award “Name Certificates” for the right to buy equipment of Endis Company production сOn 10% discount to all participants who scored the maximum number of QSOs from RW0A Club radios in MOMB-MIX, MOMB-MIX LP, SOMB-MIX-HP, SOMB-MIX-LP, SOMB-CW, SOMB-SSB subgroups.
- Western Siberian DX-club (WSDXC President – S.F.Kruglov, R8MC) will award diplomas “Western Siberia” to the participants who took 17th place in the following classes: SOAB-MIX, SOAB-CW, SOAB-SSB, MOMB-MIX.
- Kuzbass DX group (KDXG manager – O.A.Malyavsky, UA9UAX) will award W-18-Z diplomas to 18th place winners in SOMB-MIX-LP, SOMB-SSB-LP, SOMB-CW-LP, and MOMB-MIX-LP classes.
Sponsors are welcome and invited to cooperate. The name of the sponsoring organization or the name-name-name-name of a private person is indicated on each award. You can add to the list of prizes CHA-2023 both before and after the competition, but no later than the deadline for sending reports.
In the photo: awards CHA 2020-2022.
Prizes for the previous competitions of CHA-2022 are made and sent by mail individually (together with prizes for the previous 2020-2021 because of restrictions). We ask the sponsors, who set their additional prizes in CHA, to inform the organizers about their sending, if necessary, the addresses will be provided.
We invite radio amateurs from the Asian part of Russia (former “9” and “0” districts) to devote the evening of Saturday – January 21, to our common cause – get involved in the competition and support your colleagues.
See you at CHA 2023!
73! Yuri Zaruba, UA9OBA
Chairman of SSF
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