Ham radio and Linux – Stop your radio from automatically becoming the default audio device.
A simple change to make, it saves me time manually setting my default back to the computer every time I...
A simple change to make, it saves me time manually setting my default back to the computer every time I...
The good news radio wise locally is that a new DMR repeater on 70 cms is now on air near...
There was a nice opening to the Middle East and Australia on the 22nd of December 2020. The F2 opening...
Thanks to the constant efforts on the part of the ÖVSV, the Austrian telecommunications authority has announced clearance for the 630...
The winning article for the December 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “The Tuna Tin S — A Bare-Bones Synthesized QRPp Transmitter,” by...
If you are a beginner in Ham Radio, you might be wondering what the Best Brands are for Ham Radio...
Every year, the Knights QRSS Group release their annual compendium. You can view the Winter 2020 (3rd edition) HERE The Knights...
View to dreamland 3el 80m Fullsize yagi 27m boom, 160m 1/4 GP 42m height, 6el 20m yagi 21m boom 4el...
https://youtu.be/QHkQHs4uHQQ Source
An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for December 24-31. This will...