Video demonstrating 3D propagation simulation
Chris from our Development Team gives an overview of Over-The-Horizon (OTH) High Frequency (HF) Analysis in Systems Tool Kit (STK)...
Amateur Radio Club
Chris from our Development Team gives an overview of Over-The-Horizon (OTH) High Frequency (HF) Analysis in Systems Tool Kit (STK)... Source
RadioShack The good news is that as of today RadioShack has officially been purchased by Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV), giving...
At the virtual Radio Amateurs of Canada conference last September, teacher Kelly Shulman, VE3KLX gave an interesting presentation about launching... Source
The Airspy HF+ Discovery sets a new standard in terms of reception performance with extra pre-selectors for all the supported...
“The Gathering” will be the theme for the 2021 Dayton Hamvention®. Hamvention General Chair Rick Allnutt, WS8G, said the theme reflects...
The deadline to apply for the US Department of State Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists-Radio (IMTS-R) positions is December...
The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) held their annual conference online this year and as part of the event, there... Source